Dr Daniel Cash
A legal academic who specialises in the study of credit rating agencies and ESG rating agencies. Provides advice and support for a variety of institutions and organisations around the world. Is also passionate about providing opportunities for development for others, and also passionate about providing critical insight into the world of financial service providers. Recent focus has been on blending his personal and professional journeys by studying the impact of the global financial architecture upon the world’s most vulnerable peoples, with a strong focus on the relationship between the African Continent and the Credit Rating Agencies.
Reader in Law (Associate Professor)
Worked with multiple cohorts of students across a range of modules and programmes. Has utilised this exposure to develop sector-leading and innovative models for providing opportunities for students.
A Reader in Law at Aston University in the UK. Started at Aston Law School in August 2016. During time in Aston University, has held leadership positions within the University Research Ethics Committee, and on the University’s Senate. Has also held Research Programme Leadership positions leading the Law School’s Doctoral Programme, and in that role founded the West Midlands Legal Doctoral Network.
Currently a Senior Fellow (non-resident) at the United Nations University, in their Center for Policy Research. Leading numerous initiatives concerned with the credit rating agencies and their interconnection with the Global Financial Architecture. Produced a major report in the Autumn of 2024, in addition to participating in high-level events around the world on 2024 and 2025. UN profile can be found here: https://unu.edu/cpr/about/daniel-cash
Awarded the All Disciplines Full Year Award by the Fulbright Commission for the 2021/22 Academic Year. Due to the Covid Pandemic, moved to the US between 2022/23.
Researched the development of the credit rating agencies and associated regulation at the home of the credit rating industry, New York City. Sat under Professor Lawrence (Larry) White for the Scholarship with New York University’s Stern Business School.
PhD in Financial Regulation
Read for his Ph.D in Financial Regulation at Durham University’s Law School, in the UK. Doctoral Thesis was entitled “The Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies: An Analysis of the Transgressions of the Rating Industry and a Measured Proposal for Reform”. The thesis endeavoured to make a link between the development of ancillary services in the credit rating and what it predicted would be an inability to make a punitive impact by regulators as a result.
Daniel was in Durham Law School between 2013 and 2016. You can read his thesis, for free, via the link below.
ESG Ratings and Regulation Lead
The ESG Ratings and Regulation Lead at Hong Kong-based ESG Law Firm, Ben McQuhae & Co. Provides research expertise for firm-level responses to public consultations, and also advice for clients in the fields of credit and ESG ratings.
Daniel and the wider firm are available upon request to provide assistance on a variety of complex matters relating to ESG, ratings, and sustainability.
Member of the Independent Race Equalities Taskforce
Selected as a member of the independent Race and Equalities Taskforce, designed by the Mayor of the West Midlands and the wider West Midlands Combined Authority. The Taskforce has the aim and ambition of addressing significant and identified inequalities in the West Midlands region, ranging from jobs, education, and skills through to justice.
Aspiring Black Lawyers
Founded the Aspiring Black Lawyers student initiative in 2018, designed to provide law students of black and mixed-heritage with opportunity to build a community and to be exposed to professional opportunities.
The network has developed into a student-led project that provides each year of Aston Law School’s student cohort with leadership opportunities and development scope.